KOMA/KORA Complaint and Disposition Reporting Form for County and District Attorneys

K.S.A. 75-753(a) requires that each county or district attorney file an annual report with the Attorney General of all complaints concerning violations of the open meetings act and open records act, and the disposition of each complaint received during the preceding fiscal year.  This report is due by January 15 each year.

General Information

Reporting Period:


If no complaints to report, enter 0 in each box and proceed to the "Signature and Verification" section below.

Complaint Details

Complaint (all fields are required)    Delete
Name of public agency/entity against whom allegations were made:
Type of complaint:

Date complaint received:
Brief summary of complaint:
Date of disposition:
Brief summary of disposition:

Signature & Verification

Except for the email address you provide, the information you submit on this form will be published online in an annual report compiled by the Office of the Attorney General pursuant to K.S.A. 75-753. The email address you provide is used solely for the internal records of the Attorney General’s office and will not be disclosed except as required by law.

If you need assistance in completing this report, please contact us at 785-296-2215.

Legal Services
