
OIG Annual Reports

 Audit Reports
 Screenshot of the OIG CCRC Audit Report cover page

Published: 04/02/2024

Continuing Care Retirement Communities (24-03):  This report contains findings and recommendations from our performance audit of the processing of Continuing Care Retirement Communities (CCRC) and Continuing Care Provider (CCP) applications.
 Screenshot of the OIG Transitional Medical Audit Report cover page

Published: 12/08/2023

TransMed & HIPPS (24-02):  This report contains observations and findings from our performance audit of the Kansas Department of Health and Environment’s (KDHE)  management of the Transitional Medical Program (TransMed) for the State of Kansas.
 Screenshot of the OIG Multi-ID Beneficiary Audit Report cover page

Published: 11/29/2023

 Multi-ID Beneficiary (24-01):  This report contains findings from our performance audit of the Kansas Department of Health and Environment’s (KDHE) process for beneficiaries with multiple Medicaid ID numbers.
 Screenshot of the OIG School Reimbursements Interim Report cover page

Published: 11/31/2023

School Reimbursements Interim Report:  This interim report contains information developed during our performance audit of the Kansas Department of Health and Environment’s (KDHE) management of School-Based-Fee-For-Service (FFS) Medicaid Reimbursements for the State of Kansas.
 Screenshot of the OIG 23-01 Audit Report cover page

Published: 06/21/2023 

Out-of-State Beneficiary (23-01):  This report contains findings from our performance audit of the Kansas Department of Health and Environment’s (KDHE) process for discontinuing Medicaid eligibility when a beneficiary is no longer a resident of the State of Kansas.
 Screenshot of the OIG HCBS Audit Report cover page  Published: 04/13/2022

Home and Community Based Services (22-04):  This report contains findings from our performance audit of the Kansas Department of Health and Environment’s (KDHE) and the Kansas Department for Aging and Disability Services’ (KDADS) oversight of Medicaid beneficiaries on the Home and Community Based Services (HCBS) waiver program.

 Screenshot of the OIG Deceased Beneficiary Audit Report cover page

Published: 09/17/2021

Deceased Beneficiary (22-03):  This report contains information about processing Medicaid claims and the related capitation
payments after someone dies.
 Screenshot of the OIG MediKan Audit Report cover page

Published: 07/30/2021

MediKan (22-02):  This report contains findings from our review of the Kansas Department of Health and Environment’s – Division of Health Care Finance (KDHE-DHCF) process for discontinuing MediKan when a beneficiary exceeds the 12-month lifetime maximum limit.

 Screenshot of the OIG Difficulty Reporting Medicaid Fraud Audit Report cover page

Published: 07/30/2021

Review of the Process to Report Medicaid  (22-01):  This report contains information concerning the difficulties that Kansas citizens face when trying to report Medicaid eligibility fraud.
 Screenshot of the OIG HHS Exclusions Audit Report cover page

Published: 06/05/2020

Review of HHS’s Exclusion List (20-03):  This report contains our findings from a review of the United States Department of Health and Human Services Office of Inspector General’s List of Excluded Individuals/Entities (LEIE).
 Screenshot of the OIG Investigative Resources Audit Report cover page

Published: 11/13/2019

Review of OIG’s Investigative Resources (20-02):  This report contains information concerning the current resources available to address cases of Medicaid eligibility fraud.
 Screenshot of the OIG Incarcerated Beneficiary Audit Report cover page

Published: 11/13/2019 

Incarcerated Beneficiary (20-01):  This report contains findings from our performance audit of the Kansas Department of Health and Environment's process for discontinuing Medicaid eligibility when a beneficiary enters a state prison.
 Screenshot of the Review of Previous OIG Emails Audit Report cover page

Published: 07/31/2019

Review of Previously Received Emails by the OIG (19-01):  This report contains findings from our review of messages received by the email address during the time period between June 1, 2017 and January 9, 2019.

Legislative Testimony

 NOTE: The OIG is not authorized to act as an attorney or private investigator and cannot directly assist in resolving individual complaints about the programs within the OIG's jurisdiction.