Victim Services

  • Batterer Intervention Program Certification – A group of dedicated domestic violence and criminal justice professionals devoted many years of hard work to develop the Essential Elements and Standards of Batterer Intervention Programs in Kansas. The program is responsible for the training and certification of batterer’s intervention programs across the state to meet those standards.
  • Crime Victims Compensation – The Kansas Crime Victims Compensation Board provides victims of violent crime with financial assistance for loss of earnings and out-of-pocket loss for injuries sustained as a direct result of violent crime.  Assistance may be available for mental health counseling, medical expenses, wage loss, funeral expenses, and other services as necessary as a result of the injury.  Personal property loss is not covered, with the exception of clothing and bedding seized as evidence, or property that had to be removed during the crime scene clean-up process.
  • Grants – More than $2.5 million in grant funds is awarded each year from six state programs. Funds are used to assist local and state crime victim assistance organizations across Kansas in providing direct services to crime victims, as well as in developing prevention programs to address violence.
  • Human Trafficking Education & Outreach -  This program is responsible for leading anti-human trafficking efforts which include training, coordination of public awareness and prevention efforts and policy recommendations through the Human Trafficking Advisory Board.
  • Opioid Settlement Distribution – The State of Kansas was awarded $340 million as the result of lawsuits filed against opioid manufacturers, distributors, and pharmacies.  These funds are distributed throughout Kansas to municipalities and eligible organizations for the purpose of opioid remediation.  Victim Services is responsible for distribution to the municipalities who are eligible for the funds. The Kansas Fights Addiction Act Grant Review Board receives applications for funding through a RFP grant application process.
  • Safe at Home – This program is our state’s address confidentiality program for victims of domestic violence, sexual assault, stalking, and/or human trafficking who are in a location unknown to their abuser.  The Victim Services Division administers this program and manages a group of approved enrolling agents throughout Kansas to assist victims wish to be participants in the program.  Safe at Home does not guarantee safety, and is not a witness protection program, but is a helpful part of an overall safety strategy.
  • VINE – Victim Information Notification Everyday – Kansas VINE is a service provided through the collaboration of the Kansas Department of Health and Environment, the Office of the Attorney General and the Kansas Sheriffs’ Association. VINE allows victims of crime to search for an offender located in a county jail’s custody status and register to receive notification when the offender’s custody status changes.

 If you have become the victim of a crime, please consult the resource directory button below.

 If you believe your rights have been violated, please consult the Crime Victims' Rights button below.

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