
The Attorney General’s Office provides legal services to state agencies and boards, promotes open and accountable government, issues Attorney General’s Opinions, protects consumers from fraud, assists the victims of crime and defends the state in civil proceedings.

Administration Division

Provides the day-to-day accounting, budgeting, purchasing, communications, information technology, and human resources for the agency.

Civil Division

The Civil Division operates as a general-service law firm for the State of Kansas and its many constituent agencies.

  • Attorneys in Affirmative Civil Enforcement (ACE) pursue plaintiff-side administrative and district-court suits to enforce the law or the State’s rights under a contract or statute. These cases can involve debt collection, disciplinary actions involving licensed professions, asset forfeiture, and more.
  • The Defensive Litigation section defends the State and its agencies in all manner of defensive litigation: torts, employment suits, prisoner litigation, wrongful conviction claims, contract disputes, civil rights claims, appeals from administrative decisions, and a host of other civil suits.
  • The Legal Oversight & Government Counsel (LOGiC) section reviews regulations, bond issues, interlocal agreements and other materials for legality and is essentially the Office’s in-house counsel wing; LOGiC attorneys provide legal advice as general counsel to agencies across State government.
  • Finally, the Licensing & Inspections section manages the OAG’s responsibility to license and regulate bail enforcement agents, private detectives, charities, roofers, scrap metal dealers, and the concealed carry of firearms.

Criminal Division

The Criminal Division houses a team of the best prosecutors in Kansas.

  • In the Economic Crimes section, attorneys prosecute cases involving elder and dependent adult fiduciary abuse and exploitation, securities fraud, insurance fraud, tax violations, organized retail crime, illegal gambling, and other economic crimes.
  • Attorneys in Major Crimes work in conjunction with county and district attorneys to initiate and prosecute major felony cases, primarily homicides and sex crimes with child victims.
  • The Medicaid Fraud section deals with Medicaid provider fraud; fraud in the administration of the Medicaid program; and abuse, neglect, and exploitation involving Medicaid-funded facilities.
  • The division also houses a Victim Rights section that provides victim/witness preparation support within the Division, assists local prosecutor offices in the development of victim/witness programs, and responds to inquiries from the statewide victim rights hotline.

Kansas Bureau of Investigation

The Kansas Bureau of Investigation conducts investigations at the request of local law enforcement agencies and at the direction of the Attorney General.

Medicaid Inspector General

The Medicaid Inspector General audits, investigates and conducts performance reviews to provide increased accountability, integrity and oversight of the Kansas Medicaid program (KanCare), the MediKan program, and the State Children’s Health Insurance Program (SCHIP).

Office of the Solicitor General (OSG)

Attorneys in this division represent Kansas’ interests in civil and criminal appeals in state and federal courts, and also appear in trial courts for habeas suits and other quasi-appellate proceedings. Attorneys here are also responsible for drafting official Attorney General Opinions in response to inquiries from other government officials.

Public Protection Division

The Public Protection Division has a wide-ranging mission with one overriding priority: keeping Kansans safe. Its litigators fight to maintain a fair and competitive business environment, ensure all levels of government in our state remain open and transparent, and work to ensure our citizens are safe from sexually violent predators.

  • Attorneys in Antitrust & Business Organizations protect consumer welfare and market competition by enforcing federal and state laws prohibiting restraints on trade—such as coercive behavior, price fixing, engaging in market divisions, and conducting mergers that create monopolies.
  • The Charities & Financial Scams section enforces the Charitable Organizations & Solicitations Act and works to identify bogus charities and other financial scams that are preying on Kansans; this section is a national leader on cryptocurrency issues.
  • Consumer Protection attorneys work to educate consumers and businesses regarding deceptive and unconscionable practices, and sue those who engage in those practices. Our primary focus is preventing future harm to consumers and resolving matters in ways that put money back in consumers’ pockets.
  • The Open Government section investigates possible violations of the Kansas Open Meetings Act and Kansas Open Records Act and takes appropriate action when violations are found, including administrative or court proceedings.
  • Finally, the Sexually Violent Predator (SVP) section handles civil commitments under the Sexually Violent Predator Act and handles post-commitment reviews and other proceedings.

Special Litigation & Constitutional Issues Division

This division handles lawsuits and regulatory comments involving constitutional issues or the Attorney General’s important policy priorities. Attorneys in Special Litigation handle high-profile cases such as suing the federal government over unlawful regulations, defending Kansas laws against constitutional challenges, or bringing lawsuits to force local governments or State agencies to comply with the law.