Human Trafficking
National Human Trafficking Resource Center
If you or someone you know is being forced to engage in any activity and cannot leave - whether it is commercial sex, housework, farm work or any other activity - call the toll-free National Human Trafficking Resource Center Hotline at 1-888-373-7888 or text INFO or HELP to BeFree (233733) to access help and services.
The toll-free hotline is:
- Available 24 hours a day, 7days a week
- Operated by a nonprofit, nongovernmental organization
- Anonymous and confidential
- Accessible in 170 languages
- Able to provide help, referral to services, training and information.
Aviso a las Víctimas de Traficante de Personas
Si usted o alguien que usted conoce esta siendo forzado a participar en una actividad y no puede alejarse – aunque sea sexo comercial, limpieza de casa, trabajo agrícola o cualquier otra actividad – llame al número gratis de la línea nacional de recursos para traficantes de personas (National Human Trafficking Resource Center Hotline) al 1-888-373-7888 para acceder ayuda y servicios. Esta línea gratis está disponible 24 horas al día, 7 días a la semana; se mantiene por una organización no gubernamental sin fines de lucro, anónimo y confidencial, accesible en 170 idiomas, y disponible para ofrecer ayuda, remitir servicios, entrenamiento y información.
See the Upcoming Events page.
K.S.A. 75-759 requires that a notice offering help to victims of human trafficking be posted in a prominent and accessible location in any place required to post notices pursuant to certain state statutes.
Request a human trafficking hotline poster for your organization or business
- Human Trafficking Poster (English) - 8.5x11
- Human Trafficking Poster (Spanish) - 8.5x11
- Human Trafficking Poster (Chinese) - 8.5x11
- Human Trafficking Poster (Hmong) - 8.5x11
- Human Trafficking Poster (Korean) - 8.5x11
- Human Trafficking Poster (Vietnamese) - 8.5x11
- Human Trafficking Poster (English & Spanish) - 11x17
- Human Trafficking Brochure
- Law Enforcement Protocol for Human Trafficking Victims
- Demand an End Posters - 8.5x11
- Demand an End Posters - 11x17
- Human Trafficking, Aggravated Human Trafficking (K.S.A. 21-5426)
- Commercial Sexual Exploitation of a Child (K.S.A. 21-6422)
- Restitution (K.S.A. 22-3424)
- Civil Damages (K.S.A. 60-5003)
- Training for Commercial Driver's License Holders (K.S.A. 8-2,157)
- Notice Posting Requirements (K.S.A. 75-759)