Grant Programs

More than $2.5 million in grant funds were awarded in FY 2023 from six state programs. Funds are used to assist local and state crime victim assistance organizations across Kansas in providing direct services to crime victims, as well as in developing prevention programs to address violence.

Grant applications for FY 2024 are now closed. Applications for FY 2025 will be available in the Spring.

Submit Grant Applications

Forms for All Grants

Child Exchange and Visitation Center Program - (CEVC)

This fund seeks to provide supervised child exchange and visitation to children and families at risk due to circumstances relating to domestic or family violence.

To determine your entity's eligibility for this grant, please review the CEVC Eligibility Guidelines and Limitations below.

Crime Victims Assistance Fund - (CVAF)

This fund seeks to provide for ongoing operating expenses of programs assisting crime victims, and establishing and maintaining new programs providing services to the victims of crime.

To determine your entity's eligibility for this grant, please review the CVAF Eligibility Guidelines and Limitations below.

Child Abuse and Neglect - (CVAF-CA)

This fund seeks to provide for ongoing operating expenses of programs assisting child victims.

To determine your entity's eligibility for this grant, please review the CVAF-CA Eligibility Guidelines and Limitations below.

Child Advocacy Center - (CAC)

This fund seeks to provide for ongoing operating expenses of Child Advocacy Centers.

To determine your entity's eligibility for this grant, please review the CAC Eligibility Guidelines and Limitations below.

Human Trafficking Victim Assistance Fund - (HTVAF)

The Human Trafficking Victim Assistance Fund was established by the 2013 Legislature (KSA 75-758) to provide training regarding human trafficking for law enforcement agencies throughout Kansas, and to support care, treatment and other services for victims of human trafficking and commercial sexual exploitation of a child.

To determine your entity's eligibility for this grant, please review the HTVAF Eligibility Guidelines and Limitations below.

State Protection from Abuse Fund - (PFA)

This fund seeks to provide temporary emergency shelter, counseling, and assistance to victims of domestic abuse and their dependent children; and to provide educational services directed at reducing the incidence of domestic abuse and diminishing its impact on the victims.

To determine your entity's eligibility for this grant, please review the PFA Eligibility Guidelines and Limitations below.


Victim Services Division
120 SW 10th Ave., 2nd Floor
Topeka, KS 66612-1597
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