Roofing Registration Directory

The listed registrants have successfully completed the registration requirements pursuant to the Kansas roofing registration act. Registration does not constitute an endorsement of a listed contractor by the Attorney General. Consumers who have additional questions can contact the Attorney General's office at (800) 432-2310.

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Registration Number


Contact Name

{{roofing.LastName}}, {{roofing.FirstName}}





Status Descriptions

May lawfully provide roofing services

In Good Standing - This roofing contractor has successfully completed the registration process and is currently registered with the Kansas Attorney General's office.

Exempt - Kansas law exempts from the Roofing Registration Act those general contractors who meet the qualifications set forth in K.S.A. 50-6,122(e). Some, but not all, general contractors meeting that exemption choose to notify the attorney general's office of their exempt status. The label "exempt" means this person or business has filed with the attorney general's office an affidavit certifying that the person or business is an "exempt general contractor." An exempt general contractor's legal authority to provide roofing services is limited to certain circumstances established by law. Please contact the attorney general's office with any questions.

May not lawfully provide roofing services

Revoked - This roofing contractor has not complied with the registration requirements and is not authorized to act as a roofing contractor in Kansas. The attorney general's office has revoked its registration.

Not In Good Standing - The roofing contractor is not currently authorized to act as a roofing contractor in Kansas due to failure to remain in compliance with registration requirements (such as failing to maintain its roofing registration, liability insurance coverage, workers compensation coverage, filing or payment of taxes, etc.). If the contractor does not promptly correct the violation, its registration will be revoked.

Enjoined - A Kansas court has issued an order prohibiting this roofing contractor from performing roofing services in the state of Kansas.

Inactive - This roofing contractor has let its registration lapse and has informed the attorney general's office it will no longer be providing roofing services in Kansas.