Annual Reporting Form

KSA 22-4610(d) requires all law enforcement agencies to file an annual report of complaints alleging racial or other bias-based policing with the Office of the Attorney General at the end of each state fiscal year. Reporting is required even if no complaints were received. The report is due by July 31.

  1. To receive a copy of your submission, please fill out your email address below and submit.

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K.S.A. 22-4610 (d)(1) Each law enforcement agency shall compile an annual report of all complaints of racial profiling received for the period of July 1 to June 30 and shall submit the report on or before July 31 to the office of the attorney general for review. (2) The annual report shall include: (A) The number of racial or other biased-based policing complaints received; (B) the date each racial or other biased-based policing complaint is filed; (C) action taken in response to each racial or other biased-based policing complaint; (D) the disposition of each racial or other biased-based policing complaint; (E) the date each racial or other biased-based policing complaint is closed; (F) whether or not all agency law enforcement officers not exempted by Kansas commission on peace officers' standards and training received the training required in subsection (c)(2)(A); (G) whether the agency has a policy prohibiting racial or other biased-based policing; (H) whether the agency policy mandates specific discipline for sustained complaints of racial or other biased-based policing; (I) whether the agency has a community advisory board; and (J) whether the agency has a racial or other biased-based policing comprehensive plan or if it collects traffic or pedestrian stop data.