Concealed Carry FAQs

Frequently Asked Questions regarding carrying a concealed handgun under the Kansas Personal and Family Protection Act (K.S.A. 75-7c01 et. seq.). This information should not be considered legal advice. 

General Information

How old do you have to be to obtain a concealed carry handgun license (CCHL) in Kansas?
How much does it cost to apply for a Kansas CCHL?
How long is a Kansas CCHL valid?
What does the actual CCHL look like?
Where is the actual CCHL obtained?
Once licensed, will I be required to have my CCHL with me at all times when carrying a concealed handgun?
If stopped by law enforcement, do I have to volunteer that I have a CCHL and/or concealed handgun?
What if I move to a new address or change my name?
What if my concealed carry license is lost or stolen?
If I need to withdraw my application for any reason, can my application fee be refunded?

Training Course Information

Is there any training required to receive a CCHL?
Where in Kansas can the required 8-hour training course be taken?
I took an online concealed carry training course, will that training course by honored by Kansas?
How much does the training class cost?
How is the course completion documented?
Must the required training class be completed before an application is submitted?
I applied for a Kansas CCHL previously, but withdrew my application because we were moving to another state. We moved back to Kansas. Can I use my prior Kansas training to submit another application?

Application Process

Where can I get an application form?
Where do I submit my CCHL application?
Do I have to be a Kansas resident to obtain a Kansas CCHL?
How long does it take to process an application? When can I expect to receive an approval notice?

Criminal History

Can I still apply if I have a criminal history?
I have an expunged criminal history. Do I have to disclose my expunged offenses on my CCHL application?
Can I just call and ask the OAG if I am eligible for a CCHL?

Recognition of Licenses from Other States

Does Kansas recognize a CCHL from other states?
If I am a Kansas resident and have a valid CCHL from another state, can I carry a concealed handgun in Kansas?
Can I transfer my non-Kansas CCHL into a Kansas CCHL?

Places Licensees May or May Not Be Able to Carry

Will a Kansas CCHL allow me to carry a concealed handgun anywhere within the State of Kansas?
Will a Kansas CCHL allow me to carry a concealed handgun anywhere outside the State of Kansas?
Are private businesses allowed to restrict concealed carry of handguns into offices or buildings?
If I have a CCHL and I enter a business that is not posted as prohibiting concealed carry, do I have to leave if the owner or an employee sees that I am carrying and asks me to leave?
Are public (state or municipal) agencies allowed to restrict concealed carry of handguns into offices or buildings?
Can I carry on state or federally owned land?
Can I carry a concealed handgun into the State Capitol building in Topeka?
Can I carry concealed in a K-12 school building or on school grounds if I have a CCHL?
Can I carry concealed in university or community college buildings or on the school’s grounds?

Employer/Employee Restrictions & Requirements

Can an employer restrict employees from the lawful carrying of concealed handguns?
Can my public employer require me to disclose if I have a CCHL?

Renewal Information

How do I renew my CCHL?
Can I renew early?
Can I renew online or get a renewal application online?

Unlicensed Concealed Carry

Do I need a CCHL to carry a concealed firearm in Kansas? What if I am not a Kansas resident?
As a Kansas resident, I have the right to carry a concealed handgun without a license. Doesn’t that right go with me if I travel to another state?

Carrying Under the Influence

Can I carry a firearm while under the influence of alcohol or drugs?
Can I carry a firearm into a business that serves alcohol?
Can I get a medical marijuana card and still carry a firearm?