AG Opinions

Please note: Many factors, including subsequent legislation and court decisions, can affect the validity of past opinions. In most cases, determining the accuracy of past opinions requires a complete re-examination of the questions addressed in the opinion. It is impossible to maintain a constant review of the validity of past opinions. Our opinions are written to explain the legal issues and the law at the time the opinion is written.

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The State Banking Code requires the Bank Commissioner to report criminal violations of the Banking Code to the county or district attorney of the county in which the bank or trust company is located....
August 03, 2023PDF818.10 KB
K.S.A. 12-1651(a) requires second and third class cities to designate an official city newspaper for the publishing of official city business, provided the newspaper meets the qualifications set fort...
July 26, 2023PDF280.82 KB
K.S.A. 74-5609a(b) requires that a city which employs a law enforcement officer within one year after the completion of that officer’s training reimburse the city that paid for the officer’s training...
July 20, 2023PDF120.56 KB
The Kansas Automobile Insurance Plan and Kansas Automobile Assigned Claims Plan are subject to the Kansas Open Records Act and the Kansas Open Meetings Act. Cited herein: K.S.A. 9-701; 21-6005; 40-2...
June 27, 2023PDF242.29 KB
SB 180, in conjunction with K.S.A. 8-243(a), requires that driver’s licenses issued by the Kansas Department of Revenue (KDOR) list the licensee’s biological sex at birth. If KDOR knows that the sex ...
June 26, 2023PDF262.31 KB

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For opinions issued prior to 2023, please visit the opinions database hosted by the Washburn University School of Law.